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Ning Gaoning selected as "2006's Top 25 Most Influential Business Leaders" Release Time : 2012-03-20
"2006 (5th) China's Business Leaders of the Year" ,Sponsored by the "Chinese Entrepreneurs" magazine was held from December 9 to 10 in Beijing. Ning Gaoning, COFCO chairman, attended the annual meeting and made a speech. In the annual meeting, Ning Gaoning was selected as the "2006's TOP 25 Most Influential Business Leaders." 
NING Gaoning
On the theme of "Chinese Business Ethics in the Era of Globalization ", Chairman Ning Gaoning made a speech on the multiple objectives faced by China's enterprises. He noted that the multiple standards by Chinese enterprises had led to inner confusion, and also brought about enormous pressure. Chinese enterprises should do what should be done; this is an enterprise and this is the responsibility of an entrepreneur.
The "2006's Top 25 Most Influential Business Leaders" also include Cao Guowei, Chen Feng, Deng Zhonghan, Fu Chengyu, Wong Kwong Yu, Jiang Nancun, Jiang Jianqing, Li Dongsheng, Li Shufu, Li Yanhong, Liu Changle, Ma Huateng,  Ma Weihua, Ma Yun, Niugensheng, Ren Zhengfei, Shi Zhengrong, Tan Xuguang, Wang Jianlin, Wang Shi, Xie Qihua, Yang Yuanqing, Yu Minhong, and Zhou Houjian.
Chairman Ning Gaoning has been elected Most Influential Business Leaders in 2003, 2004, and 2005.
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